Friendship Dinner for University of North Midlands NHS Trust- 1st July'22
A Friendship Dinner was organised for UHNM ( University of North Midlands NHS Trust ); Doctors of Indian and Pakistani origin at Stoke on Trent, on July 1st, Friday in a local restaurant. There were about 30-35 Doctors from UHNM ( from Primary care & Secondary care ) who attended the Evening.
Ramesh Mehta ( President - BAPIO, British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin ) along with Mr Irfan Akhtar ( President - APPNE - Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe ) and Dr Chandra Kanneganti - GP ( Ex Lord Mayor Stoke on Trent & BIDA President - British Indian Doctors Association.
And Office Bearers :Kantappa Gajananand
Chair of SAS & LED Forum -BAPIO
Mr Shabi Ahmed
General Secretary - APPNE
Dr Habib Haider
Education Lead - APPNE
This is to recognise and encourage a good working relationship between ethnic minority doctors at UHNM.

BAPIO Annual Conference

BPPA Trent Meeting

High Commission London

Inauguration of CPSP birmingham

APPNE Team at RMC function

BAPIO led Workshop Conference

APPNE at DOGANE event Oct 2022

APPNE at FAMS function

Meeting with APPS Scotland

APPNE & BPA Meeting

APPNE at Muslim Doctors Association Annual Event

APPUK Annual Event

President APPNE -UK Prof Irfan Akhter visit RMU to collaborate training program

A Joint Meeting Of BAME Doctors Associations In Europe, Derby 3rd Nov'19

Charter of Affiliation with IPPA- News

برطانیہ اور یورپ سے پاکستانی ڈاکٹرز کی تنظیموں ایسوسیشن آف پاکستانی فزیشنز آف نادرن یورپ اور آئرش پاکستانیز پروفیشنل ایسوسیشن نے مفاہمتی یادداشت پر دستخط کر دئیے ہیں جس کا مقصد دونوں جانب سے مفاہمت کے ساتھ ریسرچ، تعلیمی اور تعمیری مقاصد کو آگے بڑھانا ہے۔مزید جانتے ہیں فیصل مرزا کی اس رپورٹ میں۔
APPNE Charter of Affiliation with IPPA
A Joint Meeting Of BAME Doctors Associations In Europe Derby, United Kingdom. 3rd November 2019
APPNE led the organisation of a landmark meeting on 3/11/19 bringing together National Diaspora and BAME medical fraternities and organisations with the intention of working on common objectives and issues affecting International Medical Graduates (IMGs) and local graduates from different ethnic diaspora. The topic of discussion included recruitment, fairness and representation of IMG doctors in matters pertaining to leadership, cultural understanding and unison. The meeting offered the opportunity to share the experience of individual organisations and working effectively on relevant issues. The representation and turnout was impressive underpinning the desire of such a platform and included members of BAPIO, BIDA, APPNE, Bangladeshi Doctors Association, MDDA, Nigerian Medical Association, Srilankan Doctors Association and Irish Pakistani Doctors Association. There were video links from Dublin to Calcutta. Prof Iqbal Singh Chair of Equality and Diversity forum of GMC chaired the meeting.
The meeting was attended by Prof Iqbal Singh GMC EDI Lead, Dr Ramesh Mehta and Dr JS Bamrah (BAPIO), Dr Amir Burney, Mr Irfan Akhtar, Mr Ayaz Abbasi and Dr Shahid Latif (APPNE), Dr Sanjay Arya and Dr Murthy Motupalli (BIDA) ,Dr Mohammed Alam and Dr Khondoker Imran Mahmud (Bangladeshi Doctors Association), Dr Arshad Latif (BIMA) British Islamic Medical Association, Dr Kamal Nasar Sri Lankan Doctors Representative, Mr Ibrahim Baloji (Nigeria Doctors Association), Dr Arshad Khan Muslim Doctors and Dentists Association(MDDA) and Mr Khalid Sarwar Khan from the Irish Pakistani Professionals Association (IPPA)
The members attending appreciated APPNEs efforts in bringing this idea to fruition. APPNE would like to extend it gratitude to Irfan Akhtar & Ayaz Abbasi for their hard work and visionary planning. We thank our media including GEO TV and Imran Munawar and media personnel from ARY. A thank you to Mr Naseem Waraich (APPNE) for liaising with media.

ST3 Surgery Interview Skills Course Manor Hospital, Walsall, United Kingdom 2nd March 2019
Mr. Naseem Waraich and Mr. Salman Mirza conducted a highly successful ST3 Surgical Interviews Course recently at Manor Hospital, Walsall. The workshop was very well attended and received a number of positive comments appreciating the efforts of the organisers and facilitators.