I would like to thank all members for putting their trust in me and the newly elected team. The new cabinet and Executives took office on 25th March after the oath-taking ceremony. 
The Trustees and Election Commission have done a great job of conducting a smooth election with the help of Civica. APPNE’s strength lies in its membership and it was heartwarming and encouraging to see that more than 70% of APPNE members used their right to vote to elect the cabinet. 
At this juncture, I would like to express a massive thanks to the outgoing cabinet for doing an outstanding and excellent job. Their hard work, relentless efforts, utmost commitment and dedication are the reason that today APPNE is standing as a towering organisation, which is duly recognised as the representative body of Pakistani physicians by regulatory bodies, professional organisations and educational institutions within the UK and abroad. 
I would like to emphasise once again that this is your organisation and all of its members are valued as its stakeholders. I would like to invite all its members and physicians of Pakistani origin to come forward and play an active role to take this organisation further to a higher level. We would like to listen to you what you as members expect from APPNE, and how best we can deliver it to you. It can not be done without your support, help, input and trust, as it takes two to tango. 
We want to involve every member in the decision-making processes and the activities of APPNE. Please be active in regional chapters and energise and revitalise this concept of strong regional chapters. 
We are all ambassadors of Pakistan and as its standard bearer, we have the responsibility to act professionally all the time. Together, we will serve our professional community in particular and also work for proper representation, recognition, acknowledgement and betterment of the Pakistani diaspora in general. I along with my team will do our best to serve our membership. 
Dr Amir Khan 
President APPNE