Souvenirs & Newsletters
APPNE and 24 health professional groups have written to the UK prime minister, demanding urgent action to halt the catastrophic humanitarian and medical crisis..

Official Letters
Letter from GMC to APPNE

APPNE Letter to GMC- Dr Karim

Joint letter BAME

Letter to Pakistan's President about mistreatment of Dr. Azam Ali

APPNE raises concerns with Health Secretary on changes in Vaccination schedule

Joint letter to Home Secretary about ADR visa Page 1-3

Letter to Charlie Massey Chief Executive GMC- IMGs requiring registration

Letter to Hon Priti Patel MP- NHS Immigration Health Surcharge

Letter to Hon Priti Patel MP- Exemption of visa extention fee for stranded doctors

Letter to Mr. Boris Johnson-Human Right Violation of NHS doctor

Letter to Mr. Boris Johnson-Coronavirus Bill Temporary Registration

3 Meem-Career Guidance Webinar-8th Aug'20