Survey conducted for evidence

Joint letter to Home Secretary about ADR visa Page 1-3

Update from Twitter
Dear All, Following my meeting (earlier this year) with Stephen Timms MP who leads the All Parties Parliamentary Group on Immigration, he has won a ticket to have Parliamentary debate on ADR rules which is happening on Wed 3rd November at 4 pm. In terms of relevance, parliamentary debate is quite a step forward to highlight our on going concerns and should raise awareness amongst MP's and hopefully help bringing in some relaxation to rules . Given the short notice we need to update our local MP on the situation more so in case they are given a chance to speak, equally write to MP's whom we know and especially those who are vocal to put the facts forward.
Although its us (Doctors) vs home office and it has been a challenging campaign but this is the best position this campaign has ever been.
I would need your help in shape of forwarding the below email via clicking on the link to your MP and equally if you know of any MP especially your own, to write a personel email, it would be much appreciated.
Adult Dependent Relative Visa Webinars
Adult Dependent Visa Rules Webinar-3rd Feb'21

Watch Webinar
Interview on Media

Collaboration with BAPIO: Adult Dependent (Parental) Visa

No Family without Grandparents

Adult Dependent Visa Rules Webinar-3rd Feb'21
A very important topic was discussed in regards to the ADR VISA rules campaign with three renowned and prominent Doctors.
It is very important that each and every one us watches this to learn more about what is happening, take action and share with others.
Response to a client from the Shadow Commons leader, which is another senior person, (albeit from the Oppn). This should be shared with Timms group and help influence getting Yvette Cooper solidly behind us.
Thank you for your email about the Immigration Rules for adult dependent relatives. I appreciate that a number of concerns have been raised about changes that the Government made to the Immigration Rules surrounding adult dependent relative immigration, and family immigration more widely, in 2012. The Home Office’s 2016 review of these changes showed the significant impact they had on the number of people able to bring adult dependent relatives to the UK. Indeed, a 2013 report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration concluded that the 2012 changes had effectively resulted in the adult dependent relative visa route appearing to have “all but closed”.
I know that this issue was recently debated in Parliament on 3 November 2021. Responding to the debate the Government restated its view that the current rules relating to adult dependent relatives are “fair and balanced”. The Immigration Rules for adult dependent relatives should be kept under review. I hope the Government will carefully reflect on the views that have been raised recently by the Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe, the British Medical Council and others, and be open to making adjustments to the rules if required in light of feedback on their operation and impact.
I would like to keep you informed about my work in Parliament, the constituency and my response to policy issues such as this. If you would like to stay informed please enter your details here.
Yours sincerely
Valerie Vaz