APPNE Pakistan Flood Disaster Appeal

Business Account name: Association of Pakistani Physician of Northern Europe
Sort code: 40-45-19
Account number:32747766
IBAN: GB07HBUK40451932747766


Does Gender or Religion contribute to the risk of COVID'19 in Doctors in UK

APPNE media campaign on COVID Pandemic

One million meals to the NHS & Key workers in the UK


A Public Message Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe
"Dear friends and colleages,
Please work in your local communities to raise awareness about the importance of vaccinations snd other guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID'19 Pandemic. Share the videos widely especially in our British Asian Pakistani Community. InshAllah this pandemic will be over soon. Lets beat it together.
Tare care and stay safe. I am very thankful to all APPNE members and supporters for their support and contribution."
Amir Burney
President APPNE